Hakuna Matata
Sponsor: Knowl Hill Primary Academy • Artist: Knowl Hil Primary Academy
About the lion This term, our school has been enjoying the topic of Africa. As part of our topic we put on a whole school production of ‘The Lion King.’ The children in year 6 were asked to use what they have learned during the topic as inspiration for the design of their Lion and Hakuna Matata features images of African animals on the plains at sunset. Hakuna Matata means 'No worries' in Swahili and the phrase was made famous by Disney's 'The Lion King'.
About the sponsor Knowl Hill C of E Academy provides primary education for ages 4-11 and has been serving the community since 1846. Education was not considered a high priority for many families in the 1800s nor was it compulsory. The Christian church recognised that education was key to success and that it should be made available to all children - free of charge. This idea provided the opportunity for many young children to stop working and attend school to receive an education. From then on many children learned to read, write and add. These core skills changed many lives for the better and today we continue to offer a free compulsory education for all children.
About the artist Children from Year 6 enjoyed designing and painting our cub Hakuna Matata
Where? Outside Three Mobile, 76-78 High Street, Maidenhead SL6 1PY. Viewing 0900-1800. Sundays 1030-1630. Hakuna Matata is displayed in a mini-pride with Tree of Life and Upendo - the fabulous three outside Three!